1. Alfyna Laila Yusnita; NIM: 2291471006
2. Bagas Dwipradhipta B; NIM: 2291471013
1. Short Article about Photography
How To Start A Photography Business In Four Steps
Steps to Starting a Photography Business
Step 1.
Purchase the Right Equipment
In order to set yourself up as a competitor in the
photography industry, you’ll need the best equipment possible. A professional
studio will need not just a camera, but also lights, reflectors and
backgrounds. Wedding photographers or nature photographers will need to invest
in very high-quality cameras and accessories due to the more spontaneous nature
of their subjects.
A top-notch camera can cost several thousand dollars, while individual lenses can cost up to $1,000 depending on their niche use. You’ll also need memory cards and potentially external backup drives to safely store images, which can easily cost about $100 each. Making a list of everything you need and pricing them out is important to get started.
In addition to the camera, you’ll need to purchase a license for photo editing software. Adobe Photoshop is the most well-known, so that’s what most people start with. You’ll also need a computer with high bandwidth and storage space because photo files can be quite large. Being able to store, edit and process all of these photographs is important for sending them to clients.
If you’re a film photographer, you’ll need a whole other set of equipment, including access to a darkroom. Before going on a spending spree, research the materials you will need and price out what will best suit your needs for the initial stages of growth for your business.
Step 2.
Consider Your Niche
At the same time as you purchase your equipment, you’ll
want to figure out your niche. If you’re offering a full-service photography
studio, it’s still necessary to know who your ideal client is. If you want to
take headshots exclusively, you’ll need to set up your space and equipment in a
way that serves that niche.
High-quality wedding photographers are also always in high demand. If you’re marketing to engaged couples, it would be a good idea to reach out to well-established wedding services brands like Zola or The Knot and apply to be featured on their vendor lists. Follow the companies that serve the audiences you want to capture.
There are many talented photographers, but you can create
an edge in your photography business by providing services that other
businesses might not. For example, if you’re running a headshot studio, it
would be a good idea to partner with a makeup artist who can provide touch-ups
to your clients getting their portraits done.
Step 3. Conduct Market Research
Before you start taking on clients, determine your rates
and how to charge customers. If you want to charge hourly, make sure you’re
being compensated fairly for your time. Offering flat rates is good for
customers as well; you can offer a variety of packages to clients so they’ll
know exactly what they’re getting and you’ll know exactly what work is expected
of you.
Photography businesses should also set rates for when customers request additional edits. Your time is at a premium, especially with photo editing because it takes a long time, and you should make it clear to customers that they should respect the time and attention you devote to this creative work.
Step 4.
Establish an Online Presence
Before anyone hires you, they’re going to want to see examples of your work. Use a portfolio website builder to showcase the images that best display your skills and make sure your contact information and prices are clearly displayed. Photography is obviously a visual industry, so having a professional website is crucial to give potential clients a positive impression before you ever even meet.
2. 5W1H Questions
No |
5W+1H |
Sentence Building (Question and
Answer) |
1 |
Who |
Who is the target market for a wedding photographer? |
Answer |
Engaged couples. |
2 |
Who |
Who needs access to the darkroom? |
Answer |
Film photographer |
3 |
What |
What equipment to buy to start a photography business? |
Answer |
Equipment that must be purchased is camera, lights, reflector,
background, and adobe photoshop lisence for photo editing. |
4 |
What |
What to do before shopping? |
Answer |
Research the materials that will be needed and determine the
price that best suits your needs. |
5 |
Where |
Where can you edit photos? |
Answer |
Adobe Photoshop |
6 |
Where |
Where can clients see contact information and prices? |
Answer |
Website builder portfolio |
7 |
Why |
Why to create a portofolio? |
Answer |
To showcase the images that best display your skills. |
8 |
Why |
Why is it necessary to offer clients rates and various packages? |
Answer |
So they know what they're getting and you'll know exactly what
work is expected of you. |
9 |
When |
When can you determine rates and how to bill customers? |
Answer |
Before you start taking on clients |
10 |
When |
When should you choose a name for your business? |
Answer |
Before You Begin Set up a Business Entity |
11 |
How |
How to take exclusive headshots? |
Answer |
You have to organize your space and equipment in a way that fits
the niche. |
12 |
How |
how to market to engaged couples? |
Answer |
it would be a good idea to reach out to well-established wedding
services brands like Zola or The Knot and apply to be featured on their
vendor lists. |
3. Verbal and Nominal Sentences
No |
Sentences |
V |
N |
01 |
She works as wedding photography |
V |
02 |
She is wedding photography |
V |
03 |
he switches on the light |
v |
04 |
she faced the cameras |
v |
05 |
photo was edited by
photographer |
v |
06 |
the wedding photography business |
v |
07 |
the individual lenses in this
range are priced at $1,000 |
v |
08 |
photos as well as editing could
be sold for a high price |
v |
09 |
artworks that image wedding |
v |
10 |
she strives to project an image
of youth |
v |
4. Tenses and It’s Pattern
No |
Sentences |
Tenses |
Pattern |
1 |
you’re marketing to engaged couples |
continuous tenses |
be+V-ing |
2 |
going to want to see examples of your work |
continuous tenses |
be+V-ing |
3 |
If you’re offering a full-service
photography studio |
continuous tenses |
be+V-ing |
4 |
getting and you’ll know exactly what work is expected of you |
continuous tenses |
be+V-ing |
5 |
if you’re running a headshot studio |
continuous tenses |
be+V-ing |
5. Active and Passive Construction
No |
Sentences |
Active |
Passive |
01 |
purchase equipment |
v |
02 |
equipment you are buying |
v |
03 |
need to set up your space and equipment in a way that serve |
v |
04 |
and equipment you must prepare |
v |
05 |
can offer a variety of packages to clients |
v |
06 |
packages you can offer to clients |
v |
07 |
need to purchase a license for photo editing software |
v |
08 |
license for the photo editing software must be purchased |
v |
09 |
you’re marketing to engaged couples |
v |
10 |
you’re offering a full-service photography studio |
v |
6. List of Vocabulary
No |
Vocabulary |
Pronoun Spelling |
Meaning |
01 |
Business |
ˈbiznəs |
bisnis |
02 |
Photography |
fəˈtäɡrəfē |
Fotografi |
03 |
Camera |
ˈkam(ə)rə |
Kamera |
04 |
image |
ˈimij |
gambar |
05 |
offering |
ˈôf(ə)riNG |
Menawarkan |
06 |
growth |
ɡrōTH |
pertumbuhan |
07 |
storage |
ˈstôrij |
penyimpanan |
08 |
Price |
prīs |
harga |
09 |
background |
ˈbakˌɡround |
latar belakang |
10 |
light |
līt |
lampu |
7. Translation into Indonesia
Cara Memulai Bisnis Fotografi Dalam Empat Langkah
Langkah-langkah Memulai Bisnis Fotografi
1. Beli Peralatan yang Tepat
menjadikan diri Anda sebagai pesaing dalam industri fotografi, Anda memerlukan
peralatan terbaik. Studio profesional tidak hanya membutuhkan kamera, tetapi
juga lampu, reflektor, dan latar belakang. Fotografer pernikahan atau
fotografer alam perlu berinvestasi pada kamera dan aksesori berkualitas sangat
tinggi karena sifat subjek mereka yang lebih spontan.
Kamera kelas atas dapat berharga beberapa ribu dolar, sementara lensa individual dapat berharga hingga $1.000 tergantung pada penggunaan ceruknya. Anda juga memerlukan kartu memori dan kemungkinan drive cadangan eksternal untuk menyimpan gambar dengan aman, yang masing-masing dapat berharga sekitar $100. Membuat daftar semua yang Anda butuhkan dan memberi harga penting untuk memulai.
Selain kamera, Anda harus membeli lisensi untuk perangkat lunak pengedit foto. Adobe Photoshop adalah yang paling terkenal, jadi itulah yang dimulai oleh kebanyakan orang. Anda juga memerlukan komputer dengan bandwidth dan ruang penyimpanan yang tinggi karena file foto bisa sangat besar. Mampu menyimpan, mengedit, dan memproses semua foto ini penting untuk dikirim ke klien.
Jika Anda seorang fotografer film, Anda memerlukan seluruh peralatan lainnya, termasuk akses ke kamar gelap. Sebelum menghabiskan banyak uang, teliti bahan yang Anda perlukan dan tentukan harga yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda untuk tahap awal pertumbuhan bisnis Anda.
2. Pertimbangkan Niche Anda
Pada saat yang sama saat Anda membeli peralatan, Anda pasti ingin mengetahui ceruk pasar Anda. Jika Anda menawarkan studio fotografi dengan layanan lengkap, Anda tetap perlu mengetahui siapa klien ideal Anda. Jika Anda ingin mengambil headshots secara eksklusif, Anda harus menyiapkan ruang dan peralatan Anda dengan cara yang sesuai dengan ceruk itu.
Fotografer pernikahan berkualitas tinggi juga selalu diminati. Jika Anda memasarkan ke pasangan yang sudah bertunangan, sebaiknya hubungi merek layanan pernikahan ternama seperti Zola atau The Knot dan melamar untuk ditampilkan di daftar vendor mereka. Ikuti perusahaan yang melayani audiens yang ingin Anda tangkap.
Ada banyak fotografer berbakat, tetapi Anda dapat menciptakan keunggulan dalam bisnis fotografi Anda dengan memberikan layanan yang mungkin tidak dimiliki oleh bisnis lain. Misalnya, jika Anda menjalankan studio headshot, sebaiknya bermitra dengan penata rias yang dapat memberikan sentuhan kepada klien Anda untuk menyelesaikan potret mereka.
3. Lakukan Riset Pasar
Sebelum Anda mulai menerima klien, tentukan tarif Anda dan cara menagih pelanggan. Jika Anda ingin menagih per jam, pastikan Anda diberi kompensasi yang adil untuk waktu Anda. Menawarkan tarif tetap juga baik untuk pelanggan; Anda dapat menawarkan berbagai paket kepada klien sehingga mereka tahu persis apa yang mereka dapatkan dan Anda akan tahu persis pekerjaan apa yang diharapkan dari Anda.
Bisnis fotografi juga harus menetapkan tarif saat pelanggan meminta pengeditan tambahan. Waktu Anda sangat mahal, terutama dengan pengeditan foto karena memakan waktu lama, dan Anda harus menjelaskan kepada pelanggan bahwa mereka harus menghargai waktu dan perhatian yang Anda curahkan untuk karya kreatif ini.
4. Membangun Kehadiran Online
Sebelum ada yang mempekerjakan Anda, mereka ingin melihat contoh pekerjaan Anda. Gunakan pembuat situs web portofolio untuk menampilkan gambar yang paling menunjukkan keahlian Anda dan pastikan informasi kontak dan harga Anda ditampilkan dengan jelas. Fotografi jelas merupakan industri visual, jadi memiliki situs web profesional sangat penting untuk memberikan kesan positif kepada calon klien bahkan sebelum Anda bertemu.
8. Reasons Why Writer Uses Tenses
author uses the present continuous tenses to describe an action or situation
that is happening now and will continue to happen until an unknown time in the
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